beat365体育官方网站“学术年”活动之——日本早稻田大学Takeshi Ikenaga教授学术报告
2024年3月12日,应beat365体育官方网站邀请,日本早稻田大学Takeshi Ikenaga教授在四牌楼校区礼东301室作了主题为“Artificial Brain-vision Computer”的学术报告,就机器视觉和脑机交互的相关科学问题和前沿技术与来自多个学院的100余位师生参加了交流。
报告会后,beat365体育官方网站、电子科学与工程学院、信息科学与工程学院、仪器科学与工程学院的相关老师与Takeshi Ikenaga教授举行了座谈会,就人才培养、科研合作、国际交流等话题进行了深入交流。
图1 Takeshi Ikenaga教授作报告
图2 报告会现场
报告人简介:Prof. Takeshi Ikenaga received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in information computer science from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1988, 1990, and 2002, respectively. He joined the LSI Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), in 1990, where he had been undertaking research on the design and test methodologies for high performance ASICs, a real-time MPEG2 encoder chip set, and a highly parallel LSI design for image understanding processing. He is currently a professor in the integrated system field with the Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University. His current interests are image and video processing systems, which covers video compression (e.g., VVC and SCC), video filter (e.g., super resolution and high-dynamic range imaging), and video recognition (e.g., sport analysis, human / object pose estimation, ultra-low delay vision systems).