报告时间:2024年10月18日 周五下午 15:30
组织单位:365体育官网登陆入口 beat365体育官方网站
Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand Integrated Tactile Sensor for Dexterous Object Grasping
报告摘要:Tactile sensing is essential for humans when grasping and manipulating objects in daily life. Similarly, service robots rely on tactile sensors to estimate grasping force magnitude, contact location, and force direction when handling objects, in order to improve manipulation safety. However, current robotic tactile sensing solutions have serious limitations. The integration of tactile sensors and robotic hands is still not common in current service robots. To address this, we have developed a biomimetic tactile sensing hardware called GTac, which can estimate task-essential contact information and is easily integrated into robotic hands. GTac adopts a multilayer structure consisting of separate layers for intrinsic tri-axis force sensing and dense extrinsic normal force sensing, mimicking the functions of SA-II and FA-I tactile afferents in human skin. Based on this novel tactile sensor, we have developed an anthropomorphic robotic hand that equips GTac at its fingertips and palm. In this talk, we will introduce the design and fabrication of the sensor, demonstrate the sensing and grasping capabilities of the robotic hand and gripper, and discuss its future applications.